The pre bonded method has always been and continues to be our most popular method and is something we specialise in.
The way they are applied is by sectioning an equal amount of strands of your natural hair and placing a pre tipped extension strand of the same density behind the natural hair, the tip of the extension is then heated and rolled around the natural hair to create a rice shaped bond - small, comfortable and almost undetectable.
One of our favourite things about the bonded method is that we are able to be flexible to fit bonds that suit the thickness of your own hair. So if your hair is fine, then we are able to fit fine bonds to match the density of your hair.
This method lasts for around three months, and they grow down with your natural hair before they need to be professionally removed, we do not recommend removing your own and it's always best to come back to us for removal as we know what remover works with our hair.
Removal is carried out by applying a special remover solution and tool to soften the bonds, allowing the bonds to slide out gently. All that is then needed is for the hair above the bond to be combed through to remove any excess glue.
There is never any pressure to come back to us for a refit, but if you did want them refitted then it is possible for that to be done straight after removal.